The DR230 expandable model enables you to start with a small number of channels, and conveniently expand, up to 300 channels. The architecture of the DR230 allows you to increase the number of input and/or output modules as your application needs change.
The versatility of the DR230 recorder enables you to freely configure a recording/data acquisition environment that matches your particular application, while effectively reducing your initial investment.
The DR230 expandable model consists of a main unit, subunits, input/output and communications modules. Connecting the main unit to multiple subunits with dedicated cable of up to 500 m total length, you can easily configure a recording/data acquisition environment ranging from 10 to 300 channels. Another key feature is its ability to scan up to 300 channels every 500 ms. You can also install one subunit on the back of the main unit of the hybrid recorder.
The DR232 acquires data measured by the input modules installed on each subunit, records the data in real time and/or transfers it to a PC using a general-purpose communications interface, and also stores it in a memory device.
You can connect a communication module, GP-IB, RS-232C or RS-422/485, and also a DI/DO module to the main unit. An input module, on a subunit (DS600), can be installed on the back of the main unit.
A subunit acts as an interface for connecting input modules to the main unit of the DR230 expandable model. There are two types of subunits, the DS400 which permits connection of up to four input and output modules, and the DS600 which permits connection of up to six input and output modules.
Normally, when a subunit is connected, it will be at a separate location from the main unit.
When a subunit DS600 is mounted on the back of a main unit, a dedicated cable is required between them.
R&S®RTM3000使用罗德与施瓦茨设计的定制化10位模数转换器,与传统 8 位模数转换器相比,波形精度提升到 4 倍。分辨率越高,波形越清晰,进而显示更多在其他情况下可能忽略的信号细节。
3706A 型系统开关带有高性能数字万用表,包含用于插卡的六个插槽,采用紧凑型 2U 高的机箱,可以轻松地满足中高通道数应用的需求。满载情况下,主机最多可支持 576 条双线多路复用器通道,实现无与伦比的密度和低廉的每通道成本
R&S Scope Rider 手持式示波器目前有双通道RTH1002和四通道RTH1004两种版本。多功能:(实验室级)示波器,逻辑分析仪,协议分析仪,数据记录仪,数字万用表,频谱分析仪,谐波分析仪,频率计。坚固耐用,手持仪器中的集大成之佳品。