Anritsu ML2437A 功率计
Power Meter 终端型, -99.999 ~ +99.999dB, 需备PowerSensor
Anritsu ML2437A Power Meter, Single input
The ML2437A and ML2438A Power Meters combine the advantages of thermal meter accuracy, diode meter speed, and peak power meter display graphics. The result is a single instrument that samples at more than 35K per second and achieves 90 dB dynamic range with a single sensor. These meters include graphics display capability as a standard feature. The ruggedized housing and optional high-capacity NiMH battery bring laboratory quality accuracy to field service applications. ML2437A has one input, and ML2438A has two inputs.
This product family includes the ML2407A and ML2408A power meters, which were designed to measure the peak and average power of an IS-95 CDMA signal. ML2407A and ML2408A have a wider bandwidth (1.4MHz) than the ML2437A/38A power meters and have been designed for a standard 1.2288 Mc/s IS-95 signal channel. The MA2468B and MA2469C sensors have been specifically designed to go with ML2407A and ML2408A for this IS-95 application. ML2407A has one input, and ML2408A has two inputs.
Applications needing a wider bandwidth power should also consider the ML2487A/ML2488A power meters.
Highly accurate burst measurement function
Frequency analog display
Pass/fail evaluation of specified frequency range using template function
Supplied with:
Power cord for destination
One 1.5m sensor cord per meter input
Operation Manual
Certificate of Calibration, also included with sensors.
R&S®RTM3000使用罗德与施瓦茨设计的定制化10位模数转换器,与传统 8 位模数转换器相比,波形精度提升到 4 倍。分辨率越高,波形越清晰,进而显示更多在其他情况下可能忽略的信号细节。
3706A 型系统开关带有高性能数字万用表,包含用于插卡的六个插槽,采用紧凑型 2U 高的机箱,可以轻松地满足中高通道数应用的需求。满载情况下,主机最多可支持 576 条双线多路复用器通道,实现无与伦比的密度和低廉的每通道成本
R&S Scope Rider 手持式示波器目前有双通道RTH1002和四通道RTH1004两种版本。多功能:(实验室级)示波器,逻辑分析仪,协议分析仪,数据记录仪,数字万用表,频谱分析仪,谐波分析仪,频率计。坚固耐用,手持仪器中的集大成之佳品。